African Anti-Corruption Day

 Effective Whistleblowers Protection Mechanism 

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today, on this auspicious occasion of African Anti-Corruption Day, we gather under the banner of Talentos Multiplus, an organization dedicated to promoting gender equality, defending human rights, advocating for environmental justice, quality and accessible education, fighting against poverty, discrimination, and corruption in all spheres. We proudly align ourselves with the UN Global Compact and uphold its ten principles, which guide our commitment to responsible business practices and societal development.

As we reflect on the significance of this day, we are reminded that corruption remains a formidable obstacle to progress, prosperity, and justice. The COVID-19 pandemic has unfortunately exacerbated this challenge, highlighting the critical need for robust anti-corruption measures and accountability frameworks across the globe.

Good afternoon! My name is Donaldo Pereira. Today I am here to talk about how the Coronavirus affected me.

The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted me in various ways. As a student, I lost access to the media library and library, and it became difficult to take transport to reach the University without delay.

Socially, it significantly affected my work. Arriving at the workplace early has been challenging due to the scarcity of taxicabs. Additionally, the pandemic has brought several issues, such as traders taking advantage of the situation to raise prices, making it hard to buy products, and people not using precautionary measures correctly, like wearing masks.

I believe our government should implement tougher preventive measures. Fining people is not the ideal solution; instead, stricter measures should be created to make people aware of the consequences of their actions.

Learn more:

The year 2024 marks twenty-one years since the adoption of the AU Convention on Preventing and Combatting Corruption (AUCPCC). This milestone offers us an opportunity to acknowledge the commendable progress made in addressing corruption, while also recognizing the persistent challenges that demand our continued vigilance and action.

Under the theme of "Effective Whistleblowers Protection Mechanism: A Critical Tool in the Fight Against Corruption," we underscore the pivotal role of whistleblowers in exposing corruption and safeguarding our societies. Article 5(5) of the Convention emphasizes the importance of protecting informants and witnesses, crucial pillars in our collective effort to root out corruption.

At Talentos Multiplus, we commend the efforts of state parties who have implemented legislation and initiatives to support whistleblowers. We advocate for even stronger protections to ensure that those who come forward with information are shielded from retaliation and empowered to contribute fearlessly to transparency and integrity.

Today, let us reaffirm our commitment to combating corruption in all its forms. Let us stand together in solidarity with whistleblowers, recognizing them as frontline defenders of accountability and justice. Through our unwavering dedication to these principles, we can build a future where corruption has no place, and where every individual can thrive in a fair and equitable society.

Thank you.

Sofonie Dala 

Talentos Multiplus - CEO

11 July 2024
